[GRADLEREV-36] clean up finder methods on JavaReflectionUtil Created: 29/Jul/13  Updated: 25/Jul/16  Resolved: 25/Jul/16

Status: Resolved
Project: Gradle Code Review Tasks
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Task Priority: Major
Reporter: Adam Murdoch Assignee: Luke Daley
Resolution: Done Votes: 0
Labels: None


Perhaps introducing some kind of `MethodSearch` type would make sense here, so that you can tweak the search (eg find method with this name, or this criteria) and you can ask for the results in different ways (eg as Method or JavaMethod or whatever).

Comment by Pepper Lebeck-Jobe [ 25/Jul/16 ]

Closing these clearly obsolete review issues. They haven't been touched in more than 2 years and the reviews for which they were originally opened are closed in Crucible.

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