I have some sh scripts that I want to package in a tar. Example tasks
using Wrapper are below. The issue is that gradlew has a+x permissions
in the directory before the tar, but when untarred it is rw-rr-.
I think the Tar task should preserve file permissions.
task wrapper(type: Wrapper)
gradleVersion = '0.8'
jarPath = 'gradleWrapper'
task testTarDist(type: Tar, dependsOn: 'wrapper') {
dirName = 'testWrapper'
tarFileSet(dir: '.')
prefix = dirName
Adam Murdoch said:
You can use the 'filemode' attribute on tarFileSet to specify the permisions for files:
tarFileSet(dir: '.', filemode: '755')
{ ... }
so there is a workaround, but it seems like the default for tar should be to keep the preexisting permissions instead of defaulting to rw-rr-.