[GRADLE-3552] Plugins portal repository does not behave like a maven repository Created: 07/Sep/16  Updated: 15/Sep/16  Resolved: 15/Sep/16

Status: Resolved
Project: Gradle
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug
Reporter: Marco Vermeulen Assignee: Marco Vermeulen
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 1


This relates to the forum post entitled What is the correct URL to mirror plugins repository?.

It was discovered that the plugins portal does not behave like a standard maven repository. When the portal is mirrored by Nexus or Artifactory from within a corporate network, the portal shows up as 'blocked'.

An assumption is that this due to a 404 being served on the root context of this repository. Further, the repository responds correctly given a valid URL pointing to a resource.

An initial improvement would to simply make the root context behave more like a maven repository by returning a 200 status code instead of 404.

After this has been implemented we will reevaluate the situation of this ticket.

Comment by Marco Vermeulen [ 15/Sep/16 ]

The plugin portal now returns a 200 status on it's /m2 endpoint.

It works with both Artifactory and Nexus, observing the following:

  • Nexus: when adding the repository, choose the Proxy Repository option. On setup under the Remote Repository Access section: add the repo URL, set Download Remote Indexes to false, Auto Blocking Enabled to false and File Content Validation to true. The health checks now no longer fail and the repo works as expected.
  • Artifactory: when adding the repository as new Remote Repository, select as type Maven. Enter the URL (hitting Test will still render a popup with Connection failed: Error 404: Not Found). However when you choose to Save and Finish, the repository will appear and function as expected.
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