[GRADLE-2587] Provide option to fork Sonar analysis Created: 04/Dec/12  Updated: 02/Sep/14  Resolved: 02/Sep/14

Status: Resolved
Project: Gradle
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 2.2-rc-1

Type: Improvement
Reporter: Gradle Forums Assignee: Luke Daley
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 7


Sonar analysis has been the only thin so far that has required me to increase the heap or perm gen space for the Gradle build. It would be nice to have the option of forking the process, to avoid that issue.

Comment by Gradle Forums [ 04/Dec/12 ]

Definitely have to agree here. With any sizable codebase, especially ones including several third part dependencies, it doesn't take long for PermGen errors to occur when running the sonarAnalyze task with the default JVM settings.

If it could be forked with it's own JVM settings (much like for unit tests), then the adjusted PermGen setting would be localized just to the needs of sonarAnalyze and not take effect every time gradle/gradlew is invoked for other tasks.


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