I downloaded gradle-0.8 sources
cd src/samples/testng/suitexmlbuilder/
gradle clean test -i
:: resolving dependencies :: unspecified#suitexmlbuilder;unspecified
confs: [testCompile]
found org.testng#testng;5.8 in chain
:: resolution report :: resolve 11ms :: artifacts dl 8ms
modules |
artifacts |
conf |
number |
search |
dwnlded |
evicted |
number |
dwnlded |
[ant:javac] Compiling 1 source file to /home/tomek/Downloads/gradle-0.8/src/samples/testng/suitexmlbuilder/build/classes/test
:: resolving dependencies :: unspecified#suitexmlbuilder;unspecified
confs: [testRuntime]
found org.testng#testng;5.8 in chain
:: resolution report :: resolve 6ms :: artifacts dl 8ms
modules |
artifacts |
conf |
number |
search |
dwnlded |
evicted |
number |
dwnlded |
executing testng tests...
[ant:testng] [Parser] Running:
[ant:testng] /home/tomek/Downloads/gradle-0.8/src/samples/testng/suitexmlbuilder/build/test-results/build-suite.xml
[ant:testng] ===============================================
[ant:testng] testing-testng
[ant:testng] Total tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
[ant:testng] ===============================================
testng tests executed.
Total time: 10.749 secs
It seems like no tests were executed
less build/reports/tests/testng-results.xml
<suite name="testing-testng">
<test name="testing-testng">
but the suite says there are some tests that should be executed:
less build/test-results/build-suite.xml
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd"><suite name='testing-testng'>
<test name='testing-testng' annotations='JDK' verbose='1'>
<class name='org.gradle.testng.UserImplTest' />