[GRADLE-674] Newer Jetty would provide system property assignment per server instance Created: 02/Oct/09  Updated: 04/Jan/13  Resolved: 24/Nov/10

Status: Resolved
Project: Gradle
Affects Version/s: 0.8
Fix Version/s: 0.9-rc-1

Type: Improvement
Reporter: Spencer Allain Assignee: Hans Dockter
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0


Newer versions of jetty allow system properties to be assigned on a per jetty server instance. Gradle currently includes 6.1.14, but releases after 6.1.15 (might actually be within 6.1.15 as maven jetty plugin documentation says it's available since 6.1.15rc4) that allows system properties to be assigned on a per jetty instance.

The short-term workaround is simply to invoke gradle multiple times with different -D flags to pass along the necessary information for different test cases.

Comment by Spencer Allain [ 08/Feb/10 ]

6.1.22 is the Jetty version that will likely be included in the final 0.9 release. Regardless it is newer than 6.1.15, so this issue should probably be closed.

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