[GRADLE-3206] Concurrency issue when accessing task execution history store Created: 26/Nov/14  Updated: 04/Dec/14  Resolved: 04/Dec/14

Status: Resolved
Project: Gradle
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 2.3-rc-1

Type: Bug
Reporter: Gradle Forums Assignee: Marcin Erdmann
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 2


We have been using parallel execution since it was added, but after upgrading to 2.0 we have been getting various non deterministic bugs, especially around dependency downloading.

After upgrading to 2.1 or the 2.2 release candidate this has gotten even worse, and we get many messages saying metadata is corrupt in snapshots, and our build is never able to finish correctly, often we have to delete the gradle cache entirely, as the downloaded dependencies are completely broken.

Sometimes we also have to delete the local .gradle directory in the project, as that too can become corrupt, beyond what clean will fix.

Comment by Gradle Forums [ 26/Nov/14 ]

Hi Mathias,

Unfortunately I'm not sure what we can do with this report. Any extra info you can provide such as stack traces or error messages would be helpful.

Comment by Gradle Forums [ 26/Nov/14 ]

Well I can see it wasn't the most usefull bug-report. I think I got carried away by my frustration .

We just got a failure during a parallel build using Gradle 2.1 on windows 7


I will post other stacktraces if I get them
[1] https://gist.github.com/mathiasbn/78c4a2fc302e36886305

Comment by Gradle Forums [ 26/Nov/14 ]

Gist updated.

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