[GRADLE-2320] Support for multiple artifacts with source jars in Eclipse plugin Created: 21/May/12  Updated: 10/Feb/17  Resolved: 10/Feb/17

Status: Resolved
Project: Gradle
Affects Version/s: 1.0-rc-3
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Improvement
Reporter: Michal Ševčenko Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 3


In GRADLE-898 it has been fixed that the Eclipse plugin automatically adds source jars to the .classpath entries if they are available. But it does that only for the main artifact of the module, other jar artifacts in the same module are attached to the .classpath file but not their source files. I think that since it is legal to have multiple artifacts per module in Ivy and Gradle, the eclipse plugin should also handle multiple jar-source pairs. By the way, I have the same issue with the STS support for Gradle (which I use instead of Gradle Eclipse plugin), so I wonder if this is some system restriction of Gradle, the inability to maintain multiple jar-source pairs in single module?

As an example, consider module with the follwing ivy.xml descriptor:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:m="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/maven">
<info organisation="com.etnetera.jnp"
<artifact name="jnp-core" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="archives,compile"/>
<artifact name="jnp-core" type="source" ext="jar" conf="archives,sources" m:classifier="sources"/>
<artifact name="jnp-core-dict-single" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="archives,single"/>
<artifact name="jnp-core-dict-single" type="source" ext="jar" conf="archives,sources" m:classifier="sources"/>

The resulting generated .classpath file is something like

<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/var/gradle/.../jnp-core-3.6.3.jar" sourcepath="C:/var/gradle/.../jnp-core-3.6.3-sources.jar" exported="true"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/var/gradle/.../jnp-core-dict-single-3.6.3.jar" exported="true"/>

That is, the module's main artifact is attached with its source artifact, but the secondary artifact is without source code.

Comment by Benjamin Muschko [ 15/Nov/16 ]

As announced on the Gradle blog we are planning to completely migrate issues from JIRA to GitHub.

We intend to prioritize issues that are actionable and impactful while working more closely with the community. Many of our JIRA issues are inactionable or irrelevant. We would like to request your help to ensure we can appropriately prioritize JIRA issues you’ve contributed to.

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  • Checking that your issues contain requisite context, impact, behaviors, and examples as described in our published guidelines.
  • Leave a comment on the JIRA issue or open a new GitHub issue confirming that the above is complete.

We look forward to collaborating with you more closely on GitHub. Thank you for your contribution to Gradle!

Comment by Benjamin Muschko [ 10/Feb/17 ]

Thanks again for reporting this issue. We haven't heard back from you after our inquiry from November 15th. We are closing this issue now. Please create an issue on GitHub if you still feel passionate about getting it resolved.

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