Do you have a stacktrace for the failure? You can run gradle with -s to get this.
Sure. Here you go. Sorry I'm so late for this. Really would like to run both tiers of my app with Gradle, but this behavior is blocking me.
developer@gustloff:~/work/commerce-git/commerce-project/web$ gradle -s tomcatRun
The SourceSet.getClasses() method has been deprecated and will be removed in the next version of Gradle. Please use the getOutput() method instead.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Could not open buildscript class cache for build file '/home/developer/work/commerce-git/commerce-project/web/build.gradle' (/home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.0-milestone-8/scripts/build_5rl337remrtkg6ga5c9qg57f4l/ProjectScript/buildscript).
> Timeout waiting to lock buildscript class cache for build file '/home/developer/work/commerce-git/commerce-project/web/build.gradle' (/home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.0-milestone-8/scripts/build_5rl337remrtkg6ga5c9qg57f4l/ProjectScript/buildscript). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 27416
Our PID: 30546
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: /home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.0-milestone-8/scripts/build_5rl337remrtkg6ga5c9qg57f4l/ProjectScript/buildscript/
- Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
- Exception is:
org.gradle.cache.CacheOpenException: Could not open buildscript class cache for build file '/home/developer/work/commerce-git/commerce-project/web/build.gradle' (/home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.0-milestone-8/scripts/build_5rl337remrtkg6ga5c9qg57f4l/ProjectScript/buildscript).
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheFactory$CacheFactoryImpl.doOpenDir(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheFactory$
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheRepository$PersistentCacheBuilder.doOpen(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheRepository$PersistentCacheBuilder.doOpen(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheRepository$
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.FileCacheBackedScriptClassCompiler.compile(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.ShortCircuitEmptyScriptCompiler.compile(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.CachingScriptClassCompiler.compile(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.DefaultScriptCompilerFactory$ScriptCompilerImpl.compile(
at org.gradle.configuration.DefaultScriptPluginFactory$ScriptPluginImpl.apply(
at org.gradle.configuration.BuildScriptProcessor.evaluate(
at org.gradle.configuration.LifecycleProjectEvaluator.evaluate(
at org.gradle.api.internal.project.AbstractProject.evaluate(
at org.gradle.api.internal.project.AbstractProject.evaluate(
at org.gradle.configuration.ProjectEvaluationConfigurer.execute(
at org.gradle.configuration.ProjectEvaluationConfigurer.execute(
at org.gradle.configuration.DefaultBuildConfigurer$1.execute(
at org.gradle.configuration.DefaultBuildConfigurer$1.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.project.AbstractProject.configure(
at org.gradle.api.internal.project.AbstractProject.allprojects(
at org.gradle.configuration.DefaultBuildConfigurer.configure(
at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuildStages(
at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuild(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.RunBuildAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.RunBuildAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.ExceptionReportingAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.ExceptionReportingAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.CommandLineActionFactory$WithLoggingAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.CommandLineActionFactory$WithLoggingAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.Main.doAction(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.EntryPoint$1.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.EntryPoint$1.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.Execution.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.Main.main(
at org.gradle.launcher.ProcessBootstrap.runNoExit(
at org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain.main(
Caused by: org.gradle.cache.internal.LockTimeoutException: Timeout waiting to lock buildscript class cache for build file '/home/developer/work/commerce-git/commerce-project/web/build.gradle' (/home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.0-milestone-8/scripts/build_5rl337remrtkg6ga5c9qg57f4l/ProjectScript/buildscript). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 27416
Our PID: 30546
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: /home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.0-milestone-8/scripts/build_5rl337remrtkg6ga5c9qg57f4l/ProjectScript/buildscript/
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager$DefaultFileLock.lock(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager$DefaultFileLock.writeToFile(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultPersistentDirectoryCache.init(
... 39 more
Total time: 1 mins 3.07 secs
Actually, this doesn't look like it is related to trying to run two instances of Gradle at the same time (I have upgraded to milestone 8 since the original issue was created). Now it looks like consecutive runs of the tomcat plugin are leaving a lock file behind that is preventing the second run from succeeding.
Okay, here is the behavior I am seeing. If I run "gradle tomcatRun" (invokes Tomcat plugin) twice in a shell (killing the first instance), the second fails due to the lock file. If I run "gradle runService" in another shell (this invokes java exec) using a different gradle script. I can then go back to the original shell and run the tomcat plugin. Somehow invoking the other gradle script cleans up the lock file issue.
This should be fixed now. Can you try a recent snapshot and let us know how you go:
Okay, I am seeing this again with 1.6. If I start my service tier with one gradle session then start my web app using the tomcat plugin in another gradle session, I get the following error. If I start the web app first and then the service tier, things start up okay: stan.guillory(gradle_build):~/work/commerce-project/web$ gradle tomcatRun FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':web'. > Could not open buildscript class cache for build file '/home/developer/work/commerce-project/web/build.gradle' (/home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.6/scripts/build_43a7n0vj0jtj9ifdrml9d5li9s/ProjectScript/buildscript). > Timeout waiting to lock buildscript class cache for build file '/home/developer/work/commerce-project/web/build.gradle' (/home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.6/scripts/build_43a7n0vj0jtj9ifdrml9d5li9s/ProjectScript/buildscript). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance. Owner PID: unknown Our PID: 10647 Owner Operation: unknown Our operation: Lock file: /home/developer/.gradle/caches/1.6/scripts/build_43a7n0vj0jtj9ifdrml9d5li9s/ProjectScript/buildscript/ * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. BUILD FAILED Total time: 1 mins 5.268 secs
I am not seeing this in 1.7.
I am seeing this in 1.7. Well not exactly the same issue, but the same result: cannot run two instances at the same time. The 'other' PID is is not a hanging process, that was my first try to solve it.
Should I create a new issue instead?
The error happens when running Gradle wrapper from Jenkins. The setup is one master job that pulls new code from the Git repo and makes a build. Following that job, there are 15 parallel jobs running integration tests with different setup towards external systems/servers.
- Exception is:
org.gradle.cache.CacheOpenException: Could not open task artifact state cache (/scm/hudson/jobs/2216/workspace/repo/.gradle/1.7/taskArtifacts).
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheFactory$CacheFactoryImpl.doOpenDir(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheFactory$
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheRepository$PersistentCacheBuilder.doOpen(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheRepository$PersistentCacheBuilder.doOpen(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheRepository$
at org.gradle.api.internal.changedetection.state.DefaultTaskArtifactStateCacheAccess.getCache(
at org.gradle.api.internal.changedetection.state.DefaultTaskArtifactStateCacheAccess.longRunningOperation(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor.process(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskGraphExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.SelectedTaskExecutionAction.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.access$200(
at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter$2.proceed(
at org.gradle.execution.DryRunBuildExecutionAction.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.DefaultBuildExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuildStages(
at org.gradle.initialization.DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuild(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter$
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.Actions$RunnableActionAdapter.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.CommandLineActionFactory$ParseAndBuildAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.CommandLineActionFactory$ParseAndBuildAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.CommandLineActionFactory$WithLogging.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.CommandLineActionFactory$WithLogging.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.ExceptionReportingAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.cli.ExceptionReportingAction.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.Main.doAction(
at org.gradle.launcher.Main.main(
at org.gradle.launcher.bootstrap.ProcessBootstrap.runNoExit(
at org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain.main(
at org.gradle.wrapper.BootstrapMainStarter.start(
at org.gradle.wrapper.WrapperExecutor.execute(
at org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain.main(
Caused by: org.gradle.cache.internal.LockTimeoutException: Timeout waiting to lock task artifact state cache (/scm/hudson/jobs/2216/workspace/repo/.gradle/1.7/taskArtifacts). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 10367
Our PID: 24580
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: /scm/hudson/jobs/2216/workspace/repo/.gradle/1.7/taskArtifacts/
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager$DefaultFileLock.lock(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager$DefaultFileLock.<init>(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager.lock(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager.lock(
... 42 more
Same here with 1.11. Running parallel Gradle Jobs on Jenkins sometimes fails with this exception about locking the modules-2 cache directory.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'index_lucene-dev'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
> Timeout waiting to lock artifact cache (/home/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 25575
Our PID: 24046
Owner Operation: resolve configuration ':util:compile'
Our operation: resolve configuration ':classpath'
Lock file: /home/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
Same problem as for Torsten Krah. If we running 2 gradle which are using the same cache then it cause this lock issue.
Temporary solution: We using 2 separated cache.
A problem occurred configuring root project 'poject'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
> Timeout waiting to lock artifact cache (/root/.gradle/caches/modules-2). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 7913
Our PID: 16
Owner Operation: resolve configuration ':my-job:compile'
Our operation: resolve configuration ':classpath'
Lock file: /root/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
At the moment we've got about 20+ Gradle projects, about 8 of them can be build in parallel and because there are 8 processors they do sometimes. Its a burden to configure for each parallel builds a separate cache - as projects are growing, this will become unmaintainable, not to speak about cache sizes.
True. But currently We didn't have any better idea (If we running 2/or more build then the problem comes immediately so not just sometimes). If you have any better solution then please suggest 
Don't mind - i don't have Richard - its the current workaround. I only want to indicate thats this workaround is no real long term solution (not that the existence of a workaround, does decrease the weight of this task) - that was my intention about my comment, you're absolutely right with that workaround in the short run.
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Thanks again for reporting this issue. We haven't heard back from you after our inquiry from November 15th. We are closing this issue now. Please create an issue on GitHub if you still feel passionate about getting it resolved.
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